Proficiency testing and conference about acoustics!
Proficiency Testing
Sign up for the test



We organize proficiency testing and seminars in the area of measuring of sound pressure since the year 2000. Since August 2011 we are provider of proficinency testing Nr. 7007 accredited by ČIA according to ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17043:2010.

Our proficiency testing annually participate the laboratories from Czech Republic and abroad. The proficiency testings also include seminars about acoustic.

Method of statistical processing of the results and method of their evaluation

Statistical processing of the results is according to ISO 5725 1-6. To find outlying values results are used numeric and graphic tests (Cochran´s and Grubbs´s tests, Mandel´s statistic). Based on satisfactory results are calculated standard deviations of reproductibility and repeatability.

PT subcontractor

Some activities of programm of proficiency testing are subcontracted. They are assigned by competent subcontractor AZL. The only subcontractor of provider of PT is accredited testing laboratory AZL: 1145, Studio D – akustika.

Minimum number of participants

Prerequisite for the tests to be run is participation at least 5 laboratories (participants). However , if the number of applicants is less than 5 participants, the participants will be informed that the test is not carried out.

We organize proficiency testing according to these standards




Seat of the company

Studio D - akustika s. r. o.
U Sirkárny 467/2a
370 04 České Budějovice

Tel.: 737705636

Proficiency testing (PT)

Mgr. Barbora Majchrakova
Ing. Jana Dolejší

Billing information Studio D - akustika s. r. o.
IČO: 25174240
DIČ: CZ25174240
DUNS: 495215386
reg. OR KS Č.Budějovice odd C-7818